
3, noiembrie 2019


Doru Anastasiu Popescu
- Conf. univ. dr. Universitatea din Pitesti, Facultatea de Stiinte, Educatie Fizica si Informatica, Departamentul de Matematica-Informatica;
- Colaborator: Colegiul National "Radu Greceanu" din Slatina, jud. OLT; U.S.A.M.V. Bucuresti, Facultatea de Management, Filiala Slatina;
Licentiat: matematica, informatica
Doctorat: domeniu fundamental - Stiinte exacte, Informatica
Teza doctorat: Aplicatii web. Modelare, Specificatii, Complexitate, Testare si Verificare.
Grad didactic: gr. I - matematica
Lucrare de grad: Rationament Inductiv
Domeniu de interes: combinatorica, teoria grafurilor, algoritmi, limbaje de programare (C++, Java), verificare si testare, programare web, aplicatii web, e-learning, programarea robotilor.

CV | DBLP | Date personale | Publicatii | Rezultate profesionale



Programming Day for high school students and undergraduate students - May 11, 2024

Programming Day for high school students and undergraduate students - May 13, 2023

Web Applications Contest and Workshop for Students, May 17, 2019

Programming Day for High School - classical programming (C / C ++, Pascal) and Lego Mindstorms robot programming EV3, May 18, 2019

Echipa Robotica CNRG, First Tech Challange 2018

Echipa Robotica CNRG DCS+, First Lego League 2018

Web Applications Contest and Workshop for Students, May 11, 2018

Programming Day for High School - classical programming (C / C ++, Pascal) and Lego Mindstorms robot programming EV3, May 12, 2018

Web Applications Contest and Workshop for Students, May 27, 2017

Programming Day for High School - classical programming (C / C ++, Pascal) and Lego Mindstorms robot programming EV3, May 27, 2017

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Nicolae Bold and Daniel Nijloveanu, A method based on genetic algorithms for generating assessment tests used for learning, Polibits ISI Journal, Research journalon Computer science and computer engineering with applications Issue 54 (July–December 2016), pp. 53-60

Doru Popescu Anastasiu, Daniel Nijloveanu and Nicolae Bold, Approaches on generating optimized sequences of items used in assessment, Sparta, Greece, September 30,2016

Doru Popescu Anastasiu, Nicolae Bold and Ion Alexandru Popescu, Obtaining assessment tests after double filtration, 9th International Workshop on Social and Personal Computing for Web-Supported Learning Communities (SPeL 2016) Rome, Italy 26-29 October 2016

Doru Popescu Anastasiu, Dobrescu Diana Alina and Ion Alexandru Popescu, Generator of Tests for Assessing Knowladge, The 11th International Conference On Virtual Learning, October 29, 2016, Models and Methodologies, Technologies, Software Solutions, Craiova, Romania

Doru Popescu Anastasiu, Ovidiu Domsa and Ion Alexandru Popescu, Determining the degree of similarity of answers given at a test using the editing distance, 15th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training ISTANBUL, 8-10 September, 2016, IEEE Xplore

Doru Popescu Anastasiu, Nicolae Bold and Ion Alexandru Popescu, The generation of tests of knowledge check using genetic algorithms, 7th International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, 24-26 August, 2016, Arad, Romania, 7th IEEE SOFA, LNCS Proceedings, 2016

Doru Popescu Anastasiu, Ovidiu Domsa and Nicolae Bold, About the applications of the similarity of websites regarding HTML-based webpages, 7th International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, 24-26 August, 2016, Arad, Romania, 7th IEEE SOFA, LNCS Proceedings, 2016

Doru Popescu Anastasiu, Nicolae Bold, Group Learning, Model of assessment using tests formed of questions with different theoretical and practical difficulty degrees based on a genetic algorithm, International Workshop on Social Computing in Digital Education (SocialEdu 2016), from 13th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems Zagreb (ITS 2016), Croatia, 7 June 2016

Doru Popescu Anastasiu, Ovidiu Domsa, Nicolae Bold, Group Learning, Student Clustering and Peer Mentorship, Workshop on Intelligent Mentoring Systems, from 13th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems Zagreb (ITS 2016), Croatia, 7 June 2016

Web Applications Contest and Workshop for Students, April 9, 2016

Doru Popescu Anastasiu, Nicolae Bold and Ovidiu Domsa, A generator of sequences of hierarchical tests which contain specified keywords, International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics, May 12-14, Timișoara, 2016, IEEE Conference Proceedings

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Nicolae Bold and Daniel Nijloveanu, A method based on genetic algorithms for generating assessment tests used for learning, International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, April 3–9, Konya, Turkey, 2016, Scopus, Spriger – LNCS, ISI WoS Conference Proceedings

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Nicolae Bold, and Ovidiu Domsa, Generating assessment tests with restrictions using genetic algorithms, IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, June 1-3, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2016, IEEE Conference Proceedings

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Dan Radulescu, Approximately Similarity Measurement of Web Sites, The 22 . INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEURAL INFORMATION PROCESSION, Nov. 09-12, 2015, ISTANBUL, TURKEY, Springer Proceedings

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Nicolae Bold, Alina Claudia Bold, An Algorithm Based on the Backtracking Method for Cropping-Systems and the Rotation of Cultures, The 9th International Conference INTER-ENG 2015 Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, 8 - 9 October 2015, Tg. Mures, Romania

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Ion Alexandru Popescu, Model of determination of coverings with web pages for a web site, The 10th International Conference On Virtual Learning, October 30 - October 31, 2015, Models and Methodologies, Technologies, Software Solutions, Timisoara, Romania

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Gabriel Boroghina, Students' computer-based distribution in high school based on options as an extension of SEI distribution program, The 10th International Conference On Virtual Learning, October 30 - October 31, 2015, Models and Methodologies, Technologies, Software Solutions, Timisoara, Romania

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Dan Radulescu, Web-Based Programming Model, SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MODELING, SIMULATION, AND APPLIED OPTIMIZATION (ICMSAO'15), May 27-29, 2015, ISTANBUL, TURKEY, IEEE Xplorer and indexed by EI Compendex

Doru Anastasiu Popescu,Gabriel Boroghina, Monitoring of Irrigation systems Using Genetic Algorithms, SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MODELING, SIMULATION, AND APPLIED OPTIMIZATION (ICMSAO'15), May 27-29, 2015, ISTANBUL, TURKEY, IEEE Xplorer and indexed by EI Compendex

Popescu Doru Anastasiu, Radulescu Dan , An Implementation of the Greedy Algorithm for Multicore Systems, University of Pitesti Scientific Bulletin, Series: Electronics and Computers Science, Vol 14, Issue 2, 2014, pg. 1-4

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Nicolae Bold, System of monitoring the irrigation of an agricultural surface, The 9th International Conference On Virtual Learning, October 24 - October 25, 2014, Models and Methodologies, Technologies, Software Solutions, Bucharest, Romania

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Nicolae Bold, System of monitoring animals from a zoo, The 9th International Conference On Virtual Learning, October 24 - October 25, 2014, Models and Methodologies, Technologies, Software Solutions, Bucharest, Romania

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Bold Nicolae, Modeling and testing web applications by using a reduced number of web pages, International Journal of Engineering Research & Industrial Applications (IJERIA), Vol.7, No. IV, November 2014

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Bold Nicolae, The electronic verification of the weight and the amount of food consumed by animals in a farm, 6th International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, 24-26 July, 2014, Timisoara, Romania, 6th IEEE SOFA, LNCS, DBLP, ISI Proceedings, 2014

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Dragos Nicolae, Determining the similarity of two web applications using the edit distance, 6th International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, 24-26 July, 2014, Timisoara, Romania, 6th IEEE SOFA, LNCS, DBLP, ISI Proceedings, 2014

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Dan Andrei Rusu, Testing model for web applications using Sink Web Pages and Finite State Machines, International Journal of Software and Web Sciences, Issue 7 Volume 1, December 2013-February 2014

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, A Model for Determining the Set of Characterization of D-Systems, Buletin Stiintific - Universitatea din Pitesti, Seria Matematica si Informatica, Nr. 19 (2013), pg.125-131

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Model for calculating the rank of a web page, The 8th International Conference On Virtual Learning, October 25 - October 26, 2013, Models and Methodologies, Technologies, Software Solutions, Bucharest, Romania

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Nicolae Bold, Web application presentation of timetable for a university website, The 8th International Conference On Virtual Learning, October 25 - October 26, 2013, Models and Methodologies, Technologies, Software Solutions, Bucharest, Romania

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Dragos Nicolae, Generating a class schedule whith reduced number of constraints, The 9th International Scientific Conference eLearning and software for Education, Bucharest, April 25-26, 2013, Bucharest, Romania,Proceedings, pag 297-300,

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Dragos Nicolae, Verification of Web Sites with Fixed Cost, Journal Software Engineering (Vol.2, No.4, October 2012), Scientific and Academic Publishing

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Dragos Nicolae, Similarity Measurement of Web Sites, 5th International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, 22-24 August, 2012, Szeged, Hungary, 5th IEEE SOFA, LNCS, DBLP, AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL list, in class C, ISI Proceedings, Soft Computing Applications, AISC 195, pp. 349-356, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Dragos Nicolae, Degree of Similarity of Web Applications, Second International Symposium on Communicability, Computer Graphics and Innovative Design for Interactive Systems (CCGIDIS 2012), Valle d'Aosta, Italy, July 5-6, 2012, Proceedings blue herons editions, pag. 91-97

Doru Anastasiu POPESCU, Danauta Catrinel Maria, Verification of the web applications using sink web pages, International Journal of Computer Science Research and Application, issue 1, 2012

Doru Anastasiu POPESCU, Danauta Catrinel Maria, Validation of a Web Application by Using a Limited Number of Web Pages, BRAIN, Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, Volume 3, Issue 1, February, 2012, pag. 32-36

Doru Anastasiu POPESCU, Danauta Catrinel Maria, Verification of the web applications using sink web pages, International Journal of Computer Science Research and Application, issue 1, 2012

Doru Anastasiu-Popescu, Static Web Pages that Unbalance the Complexity of the Web Applications, Analele Universitatii de Vest din Timisoara, Seria Matematica-Informatica, Vol. 49, No.2, 2011

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Dan Andrei Rusu, A method of finding web pages that need to be verified and tested in the process of developing a web application, The 5th Edition of the International Conference "Education and Creativity for a Knowledge Society", Section Computer Science, Theme: "Efficiency by Structuring and Information", Bucharest, 11-12 November, 2011

Doru Anastasiu POPESCU, Measuring the Quality of the Navigation in Web Sites Using the Cloning Relation, Analele Universitatii Spiru Haret, Seria Matematica-Informatica, Vol. 7, No.1, 2011, pag. 5-10

Doru Anastasiu POPESCU, A method of determining the static web pages that unbalance the complexity of the web application, The 6th International Conference On Virtual Learning, October 28 - October 29, 2011, Cluj Napoca, Romania

Doru Anastasiu POPESCU, Danauta Catrinel Maria, Verification of the web applications using sink web pages, The 6th International Conference On Virtual Learning, October 28 - October 29, 2011, Cluj Napoca, Romania

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Sink web pages in Web Application, IAPR Workshop on Partially Supervised Learning - PSL 2011, Sept 15-16, 2011, University of Ulm, Germany

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Catrinel Maria Danauta, Similarity Measurement of Web Sites Using Sink Web Pages, 34th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, August 18-20, Budapest, TSP 2011, Hungary //IEEE Xplore//

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, A relation between web pages, CKS 2011 Challenges of the Knowledge Society "Nicolae Titulescu" University from Bucharest and "Complutense" University from Madrid, Bucharest, April, 15-16, 2011, Bucharest, Romania //proceedings//

Doru Popescu Anastasiu: Reducing the navigation graph associated to a web application, Buletinul Universitatii din Pitesti, Nr. 16/2010

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Catrinel Maria Danauta, Zoltan Szabo: A method of measuring the complexity of a web application from the point of view of cloning, The 5th International Conference On Virtual Learning, October 29 - October 31, 2010, Tg. Mures, Romania //proceedings//

Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Zoltan Szabo: Sink web pages of web application, The 5th International Conference On Virtual Learning, October 29 - October 31, 2010, Tg. Mures, Romania //proceedings//

Doru Anastasiu POPESCU: Method for Verification Web Application, THE 18th CONFERENCE ON APPLIED AND INDUSTRIAL MATHEMATICS, October 14-17, 2010, Iasi, Romania

Doru Anastasiu POPESCU, Catrinel Maria DANAUTA: A method of selection of the files to be submitted to verification and testing in the process of web applications development, THE 18th CONFERENCE ON APPLIED AND INDUSTRIAL MATHEMATICS, October 14-17, 2010, Iasi, Romania

Doru POPESCU ANASTASIU: CLASSIFICATION OF LINKS AND COMPONENTS IN WEB APPLICATIONS, The 2nd International Conference on Operational Research ICOR 2010, 09 to 12 September 2010, Constanta, Romania

Doru POPESCU ANASTASIU, Catrinel Maria DANAUTA: A METHOD FOR REDUCING THE NUMBER OF STATIC WEB PAGES THAT HAVE TO BE VERIFIED AND TESTED IN A WEB APPLICATION, The 2nd International Conference on Operational Research ICOR 2010, 09 to 12 September 2010, Constanta, Romania

Doru POPESCU ANASTASIU: Testing web application navigation based on component complexity, Buletinul Universitatii din Pitesti, Nr. 15/2009

Catrinel Maria DANAUTA, Doru POPESCU ANASTASIU: Method of reduction of the web pages to be verified when validating a web site, Buletinul Universitatii din Pitesti, Nr. 15/2009

Probleme propuse la Olimpiade si Concursuri in anul 2010

Concursul Judetean de Pagini Web si Scurt Metraje, Editia a VII-a, 11 decembrie 2009

  1. Concursul este pentru elevii de liceu.
  2. Concursul contine doua sectiuni: Pagini Web si Scurt Metraje.
  3. La fiecare editie se anunta temele pentru editia urmatoare.
Doru Popescu Anastasiu, Informatica pentru Gimnaziu.Culegere de Probleme. Pascal,C++. Editura L&S, Bucuresti, 2009
  • Contine probleme rezolvate, cu solutia in Pascal si C++.
  • Contine probleme propuse spre rezolvare.
  • Problemele propuse in Manualul de Informatica pentru Gimnaziu (editura L&S) sunt rezolvate in aceasta culegere.
  • Capitolele din carte acopera programa de olimpiada.

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